Awards and Recognition

Over the years, Casa Chef Victor Felisberto and its talented chef have been distinguished by prestigious national and international organizations and competitions. These awards reflect a commitment to gastronomic excellence, respect for traditional flavors and constant innovation. Each distinction is a testament to our hard work and dedication to offering unique experiences to our customers.

Galardão Ouro – Tejo Gourmet

Excelência na integração de iguarias com vinhos da região do Tejo.

Prémio Revelação – Tejo Gourmet

Reconhecimento como destaque emergente no panorama gastronómico português.

Selo Boa Cama Boa Mesa – Jornal Expresso

Distinção pela qualidade do serviço e hospitalidade. Reconhecido desde 2019.

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Embaixador Gastronómico

Prémiso AHRESP 2024

Top 5 Restaurantes em Santarém – TripAdvisor

Recommendation based on visitor and frequent customer reviews.

Selo Bib Gourmand – Guia Michelin

Recognition for excellent cuisine at affordable prices. Distinction maintained between 2019 and 2024.

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Agente Oficial da Nacional 2

Reference label promoting the mythical National Road 2.

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Prémio Harmonização

Gala Vinhos do Tejo

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Clean & Safe – Turismo de Portugal

Trust seal guaranteeing safety and hygiene, in line with good practices in the sector.

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Reconhecimento – Revolta do Bacalhau

Distinction for creative excellence in reinterpreting traditional cod dishes.

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Finalista Regional – Monte Abrantino

Signature dessert distinguished in the 7 Wonders of Portugal, 2021.

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Galardão Revelação

Tripadvisor's Traveler's Choice award;

Casa Chef Victor


Sustainability Certified

Biosphere do Instituto de Turismo Responsável;

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Distinção Medalha Grande Ouro

Tejo Wines Competition, promoted by the Nossa Senhora do Tejo Oenophile Brotherhood

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Embaixador Gastronómico

AHRESP Awards (Final of the competition on June 21, 2024).

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Nacional 2

Official National Agent Root N2;

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024
Guia Michelin

Bib Gourmand distinction

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Sustainability Certified

Biosphere from Instituto de Turismo Responsável;

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Prémio Harmonização

Gala Vinhos do Tejo

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Finalista Regional na categoria de Doçaria

7th edition of the 7 Wonders of Portugal competition, with the Monte Abrantino dessert;

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Galardão Ouro

Galardão Ouro pelo Tejo Gourmet

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Top 5 Santarém

Top 5 best restaurants in Santarém, according to Tripadvisor;

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
2020 até a data
Selo Clean & Safe

Clean & Safe Seal

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Medalha de Prata

Restaurant category of the national competition 'A Revolta do Bacalhau', created by Recheio Cash & Carry, the Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC) and INTER Magazine;

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Prémio de Melhor Prato Tradicional

Award for Best Traditional Dish, by Tejo Gourmet;

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Selo Boa Cama Boa Mesa

Distinction for quality of service and hospitality

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Prémio revelação

Tejo Gourmet, Delicacies and Wines Competition;

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Galardão Revelação

Tripadvisor's Traveler's Choice award;

Casa Chef Victor Felisberto
Galardão Prata

10º Concurso de Gastronomia com Vinho do Porto;
