Awards and Recognition
Over the years, Casa Chef Victor Felisberto and its talented chef have been distinguished by prestigious national and international organizations and competitions. These awards reflect a commitment to gastronomic excellence, respect for traditional flavors and constant innovation. Each distinction is a testament to our hard work and dedication to offering unique experiences to our customers.
Galardão Ouro – Tejo Gourmet
Excelência na integração de iguarias com vinhos da região do Tejo.
Prémio Revelação – Tejo Gourmet
Reconhecimento como destaque emergente no panorama gastronómico português.
Selo Boa Cama Boa Mesa – Jornal Expresso
Distinção pela qualidade do serviço e hospitalidade. Reconhecido desde 2019.
Embaixador Gastronómico
Prémiso AHRESP 2024
Top 5 Restaurantes em Santarém – TripAdvisor
Recommendation based on visitor and frequent customer reviews.
Selo Bib Gourmand – Guia Michelin
Recognition for excellent cuisine at affordable prices. Distinction maintained between 2019 and 2024.
Agente Oficial da Nacional 2
Reference label promoting the mythical National Road 2.
Prémio Harmonização
Gala Vinhos do Tejo
Clean & Safe – Turismo de Portugal
Trust seal guaranteeing safety and hygiene, in line with good practices in the sector.
Reconhecimento – Revolta do Bacalhau
Distinction for creative excellence in reinterpreting traditional cod dishes.
Finalista Regional – Monte Abrantino
Signature dessert distinguished in the 7 Wonders of Portugal, 2021.
Galardão Revelação
Tripadvisor's Traveler's Choice award;
Casa Chef Victor
Sustainability Certified
Biosphere do Instituto de Turismo Responsável;
Distinção Medalha Grande Ouro
Tejo Wines Competition, promoted by the Nossa Senhora do Tejo Oenophile Brotherhood
Embaixador Gastronómico
AHRESP Awards (Final of the competition on June 21, 2024).
Nacional 2
Official National Agent Root N2;
2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024
Guia Michelin
Bib Gourmand distinction
Sustainability Certified
Biosphere from Instituto de Turismo Responsável;
Prémio Harmonização
Gala Vinhos do Tejo
Finalista Regional na categoria de Doçaria
7th edition of the 7 Wonders of Portugal competition, with the Monte Abrantino dessert;
Galardão Ouro
Galardão Ouro pelo Tejo Gourmet
Top 5 Santarém
Top 5 best restaurants in Santarém, according to Tripadvisor;
2020 até a data
Selo Clean & Safe
Clean & Safe Seal
Medalha de Prata
Restaurant category of the national competition 'A Revolta do Bacalhau', created by Recheio Cash & Carry, the Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC) and INTER Magazine;
Prémio de Melhor Prato Tradicional
Award for Best Traditional Dish, by Tejo Gourmet;
Selo Boa Cama Boa Mesa
Distinction for quality of service and hospitality
Prémio revelação
Tejo Gourmet, Delicacies and Wines Competition;
Galardão Revelação
Tripadvisor's Traveler's Choice award;
Galardão Prata
10º Concurso de Gastronomia com Vinho do Porto;